Terms of Use

General Terms and Conditions of Rooom

« There is no tolerance for objectionable content or abusive users. »

Application: the Rooom App, available on the Apple App Store.

Rooom App: Slice SAS is a simplified joint stock company registered in Paris under the number B 880 565 411, owner and sole operator of the Application and the Rooom App brand. Its registered office is located at 93 rue Jouffroy d’Abbans, 75017 Paris.

TOS: The present General Terms of Use.

Member: Person registered on the Application.

Hi: Action symbolized by a Hi symbol whose purpose is to express interest. Its action is notified to the Member concerned.

Match: A « match » represents the mutual interest of two Members who have both « Hi’d » respectively both profiles.

Chat messages: Only Members who have had a match can initiate the « Chat » action in the Application, and send each other Messages. Messages are visible in the messaging system accessible from the associated icon in the navbar.

Rooom: Virtual space created by event organizers, that participants can join by entering the code associated to the Rooom on the application.

Rooom Joiner: Member who joins a Rooom.

Rooom Creator: Member who creates a Rooom.

Services: Set of services, paid or not, offered by Rooom App to promote virtual or real meetings between Members who have crossed each other and have a mutual interest, according to the selected search criteria.

Account: The account is the personal space dedicated to the Member on the Application, which he/she accesses by registering and logging in on the Application. It allows the Member to access the Services.

The TOS define the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of the use of the Application. They are the basis of a contractual relationship between the Member and the company Rooom App.

The present General Terms of Use (GTU) define the main rules for using the Application. They are supplemented by the Privacy Policy in order to guide members more precisely in handling the Application. In the event of a conflict between the different policies resulting in a lack of accessibility, intelligibility and/or predictability of the rules, the present TOS shall take precedence over the Privacy Policy and the FAQ.

In the event that one of the stipulations of the present GTU is declared null and void or inapplicable by the effect of a law, a regulation or a jurisdictional decision emanating from a competent court, the other stipulations will keep their validity and their force, except in the event that the present GTU is denatured or that this leads to a significant imbalance in the obligations of the parties. 

By using the Services, you agree that you will not:

  • use the Service for any purpose that is illegal or prohibited by this Agreement.
  • use the Service for any harmful or nefarious purpose
  • use the Service in order to damage Rooom App
  • spam, solicit money from or defraud any members.
  • impersonate any person or entity or post any images of another person without his or her permission.
  • bully, « stalk », intimidate, assault, harass, mistreat or defame any person.
  • post any Content that violates or infringes anyone’s rights, including rights of publicity, privacy, copyright, trademark or other intellectual property or contract right.
  • post any Content that is hate speech, threatening, sexually explicit or pornographic.
  • post any Content that incites violence; or contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence.
  • post any Content that promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual.
  • solicit passwords for any purpose, or personal identifying information for commercial or unlawful purposes from other members or disseminate another person’s personal information without his or her permission.
  • use another member’s account, share an account with another member, or maintain more than one account.
  • create another account if we have already terminated your account, unless you have our permission.

Rooom App reserves the right to investigate and/or terminate your account without a refund of any purchases if you have violated this Agreement, misused the Service or behaved in a way that Rooom App regards as inappropriate or unlawful, including actions or communications that occur on or off the Service. There is no tolerance for objectionable content or abusive users.

Each member can block and/or report a user who violates the rules of good conduct of Rooom. He/she just has to click on the dotted line on the profile from the home screen, or from the dotted line in the messenger to block and/or report. Rooom App will then take the necessary measures and reserves the right to delete without notice the account of the Member who violated the rules of good conduct.

Rooom App reserves the right, at any time and unilaterally, to complete or modify these TOS as it deems necessary, or to terminate the Services.

The User shall be invited to read the TOS as amended.

It is the Member’s responsibility to read the GTU carefully when it is updated and to take full note of the changes made by the latter.

The fact that the Member continues to use the Services of the Application after the GTC have been updated shall be deemed to be acceptance without reservation of the changes made to the GTC.

In case of disagreement with the modifications of the GTC, the Member has the right to terminate the Services and to cancel his or her Account in accordance with Article 16.

The new GCU shall apply immediately to Members.

The present GCU are subject to French law.

The Member shall first contact Rooom App’s internal teams to try to resolve amicably its dispute with Rooom App.

Any dispute or litigation relating to the formation, interpretation, performance or termination of these Terms and Conditions or in connection with these Terms and Conditions that could not be resolved amicably shall be submitted to the competent courts of Paris.

The Application is available on Apple’s legal download platforms. It can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store. Rooom App will work on iPhones running iOS 10.0 or higher.

When the necessary conditions for Member status are met, Rooom App assigns to the Member, on a personal basis, an Account containing

– A profile sheet

– A messaging system

– A « notifications » option

The Member must be over 18 years of age and guarantees that all the information he/she provides during registration is true and up to date.

The registration is done through the classic registration form (via phone number), which allows Rooom App to use the profile picture, first name, age, activity and company/school. Consequently, the Member must verify the authenticity of his or her information on the Rooom App registration form before registering for the Services.

By registering, the Member agrees to these TOS and the Privacy Policy and undertakes to comply with the obligations incumbent upon it, in particular those mentioned in the Member Code of Conduct defined in Article 9 of these TOS.

The Application provides Rooom App Members with a fun, friendly and respectful service that promotes making contact and meeting other Members who are in the same event. The objective of the Rooom App service is to establish the most pleasant in-app connections possible to conduct real meetings for personal purposes. Each Member is free to chat, go on dates and establish relationships with other Members in compliance with these TOS.

In no case the services offered by Rooom App can be considered as marriage counseling or brokerage. They only aim at facilitating the meeting through the Application according to the location and preferences of the Members, in a virtual or real way, between those who have a mutual interest.

The Rooom App Services are available from the Application free of charge (excluding connection and telecommunication costs) to the Member who agrees to abide by these TOU, including:

– Unlimited sending of Hi ;

– Sending unlimited Messages in case of a Match;

– Passing an unlimited number of Members;

– Delete confidentially all Members whose behavior justifies this choice which will lead to a blocking of this member and the conversation will be blocked;

– Report confidentially all Members whose behavior is contrary to these TOS or applicable law;

– Receive notifications;

– Complete his profile, in accordance with these TOS;

– Delete his or her Messages and voice messages.

Paid Services made available via the Application are accessible to Members by purchasing Packs or monthly subscriptions according to the terms and conditions detailed in Article 10.1.

The collected data are processed by :

The company Slice SAS registered under the number B 880 565 411 at the RCS of Paris, is the owner of the Rooom App service, whose registered office is located at 93 rue Jouffroy d’Abbans 75017 Paris.

Only certain employees of the customer and technical services and authorized managers of Rooom App process personal data of Members for the purposes described in Article 6.2 below. These employees and authorized persons have access only to the data that are necessary for the performance of their duties.

Rooom App may also contract with authenticated and reliable subcontractors who may access, host and/or process certain personal data of the Members on behalf of Rooom App, according to its instructions, in compliance with the Privacy Policy and who guarantee the security and confidentiality of the Members’ personal data. These subcontractors allow Rooom App to compile statistics on traffic volumes and/or the use of the Application and/or ensure the proper functioning of the Application.

The personal data of a Member identified as « accessible to the Rooom App public » in article 6.3 hereafter which appear on its profile are only accessible to other Rooom App Members who meet compatible search criteria.

The data collected by Rooom App is necessary for the proper functioning and improvement of the Application Services that are offered to Members.

The data collected also allows Rooom App to carry out statistical studies and marketing analysis related to the use of the Application and Services by Members.

Rooom App may also access, store and share Members’ personal data with authorized third parties in response to a legal request (search warrant, court order or other) or to comply with legal, regulatory, judicial or administrative obligations; detect or prevent fraudulent activities or breaches of the security of the Services, in accordance with the law.

Identity-related data: The registration form is mandatory to access the Services and is collected by Rooom App. Registration requires the Member to provide some personal data:

– Photos: At least one photo. The Member will then have the possibility to remove this photo and/or to add other photos to his Account from his smartphone. In the interest of transparency, the photos published must represent the Member and must not mislead other Members about his/her appearance. These photos must not represent a celebrity, nor include the portrait of a minor, nor embody a racist, shocking, illegal or sexual message, nor contain personal information. They are published in the Application under the sole responsibility of the Member. By becoming a Member, the Member agrees to the publication of his/her photos on the Application.

– his age

– his activity

– his/her company/studies

– his telephone number

Other personal data that the Member may enter in his or her Account are optional and communicated at his or her sole discretion and under his or her sole responsibility.

Data related to the communications exchanged: Messages are sent and stored on Rooom App’s servers (Google provider) exclusively to provide the Service of transmission of exchanges between Members who have had a match. Messages and voicemails are strictly private and are only binding to the Members concerned. The authorized managers of Rooom App do not have any right of access to these conversations, except upon judicial request and/or in accordance with the applicable legal or regulatory provisions and/or in the context of evidence that may be provided to Rooom App by a Member in the context of a report.

Moreover, strictly private Messages shall not be accessible to other Members not involved in the exchange, nor to any third party.

Mobile data: When the Member uses the Application, Rooom App collects server logs that may include information such as IP addresses, operating system or application crashes. Rooom App is not able to access the browsing history of its Members.

Personal data published by the Member in the Application are made strictly invisible by Rooom App to non-registered Internet users and third parties. Rooom App shall not be held liable for the data published on Rooom App and disclosed by a Member.

The Member’s profile that does not match the search criteria of other Members will not appear to other Members.

Certain data are legally qualified as « sensitive » under Article 8 of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 on Information Technology and Civil Liberties.

When registering on the Application, the Member may choose to communicate certain sensitive data concerning him/her when describing him/her.

Rooom App does not encourage the Member to communicate sensitive data to other Members or to Rooom App via the Application. If the Member wishes to communicate such data on his profile, the Member shall write it himself on the « bio » section. Such communication shall constitute the Member’s express consent to the collection and processing of such data by Rooom App.

In accordance with the French law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, called Loi Informatique et Libertés, each Member has the right to access, rectify, oppose and delete his/her personal data. Concerned about the concerns of its Members, Rooom App undertakes to respect the protection of personal data and to process these requests as soon as possible. The Member may exercise its rights, subject to proof of identity, by sending a letter or an email to the address mentioned in article 17 of these TOU.

-The right of access authorizes the Member to question Rooom App in order to obtain the communication of data concerning him/her in an accessible form on the basis of article 39 of the French Data Protection Act.

-The right of rectification gives the Member the right to demand that Rooom App rectify, complete, update or delete personal data concerning him/her that are inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, outdated or whose use, communication or storage is prohibited on the basis of Article 40 of the Data Protection Act;

-The right to object gives the Member the right to object, free of charge and in a discretionary manner, to the use of his or her data by Rooom App for canvassing purposes, in particular commercial canvassing, on the basis of Article 38 of the French Data Protection Act.

-The right of deletion gives the Member the right to demand the deletion of the data communicated to Rooom App at no cost and in a discretionary manner, within the limits of the legal obligations incumbent upon Rooom App in its capacity of host.

6.7 No transfer of your personal data

Personal data, visible or not to other Members, shall not be transferred by Rooom App to third parties.

6.8 Data retention

Rooom App shall keep the Member’s data for as long as necessary for the use of the Member’s Account.

Moreover, it should be reminded that Rooom App, in accordance with its status as a hosting company, is legally obliged to keep certain personal data of the Members for a period of one year on the basis of article 6, II of the Law for Confidence in the Digital Economy of June 21, 2004.

With regard to the decree of February 25, 2011 on the conservation and communication of data, the retention period imposed on Rooom App runs from the creation of the content for the data mentioned in 1° and 2° of Article 6, II of the Law for Confidence in the Digital Economy, namely

– The identifier of the connection at the origin of the communication;

– The identifier assigned by the information system to the content;

– The types of protocols used;

– The nature of the operation;

– The dates and times of the operation;

– The identifier used by the author of the operation when he/she has provided it.

The retention period imposed on Rooom App starts from the termination of the Account or the deletion of the profile for the data mentioned in the 3rd paragraph of the same article, i.e:

– Names and surnames

– pseudonyms used

– The email addresses or associated Account

– The telephone numbers or associated Account numbers

– The password as well as the data allowing to check or modify it, in their last updated version

Rooom App undertakes to provide its best efforts and all the means in its possession to guarantee the optimal security of the data stored. It is nevertheless the Member’s responsibility to take appropriate measures to protect its data.

Rooom App refuses to collect data from minors. In case a Member lies about his date of birth and especially in case of fraudulent attestation of his majority, the parents of the minor child are invited to notify Rooom App by sending an email to the address indicated in article 17, in order to request the deletion of the data. Rooom App undertakes to delete all personal data concerning the minor child as soon as possible.

6.9 Transfer of data outside the EU

When registering, the Member expressly consents that his/her data may be transferred to Rooom App’s subcontractors located outside the European Union, for the purpose of carrying out statistical studies and, where applicable, hosting the data processed by the Application.

Rooom App guarantees that these transfers are made under conditions that ensure the confidentiality and security of the data and an adequate level of protection in accordance with the provisions of Article 68 and 69 of the French Data Protection Act.

As the Application collects information on its Members, it has been subject to prior declaration to the CNIL.

Rooom App undertakes to provide the infrastructure and technical means required for the provision of a quality Service to Members equipped with an iPhone terminal running IOS 9.0 or higher.

Rooom App shall not be responsible for any malfunction of the Member’s device or compatibility issues between the Application and the device.

All measures are taken to minimize the risk of fraudulent access to the Rooom App system. In this respect, Rooom App uses firewalls, i.e. equipments located between the Internet network and the private network of a company to increase the security of the latter by filtering traffic coming from or going to the Internet. However, it is impossible to guarantee the security of a network in an absolute way.

Rooom App is not responsible for any failure, interruption or malfunction of the Services of the Member’s Internet Service Provider, as well as any cause external to Rooom App that could interrupt or damage the access to Rooom App Services.

The Member must ensure that it has a secure email address. In spite of or following the omission of these precautions, the Member’s Account is likely, in rare cases, to be a victim of fraud.

Rooom App also wishes to warn the Member against any exceptional risk of receiving unwanted Messages or Messages purporting to be from Rooom App. The Member must be attentive and vigilant in order to notify Rooom App by sending a letter or an email to the address provided in article 17 hereof.

Rooom App and its partners shall not be held responsible for illegal actions or actions subject to criminal sanctions, committed by its Members, including but not limited to

– Any type of fraud

– Prostitution

– The usurpation of identity

– Infringement of the intellectual property rights of a third party.

Rooom App as a host is not bound by any legal obligation to monitor the content transmitted or stored via the Application under Article 6, I, 7° of the Law for Confidence in the Digital Economy of June 21, 2004.

However, article 6-I-3° of this same law requires Rooom App, as a hosting provider, to provide a notification system in order to report illegal, abusive and harmful content.

In this case, after verification by the Customer Service, Rooom App undertakes to promptly remove such content.

Pursuant to Article 6-I-5 of the LCEN: the knowledge of a litigious content is presumed acquired when the host is notified :

the date of the notification

the identity of the sender of this content

the description of the litigious facts (with the possibility of attaching screenshots of the litigious content)

the reasons why the content must be removed

Rooom App has equipped the Application with a community moderation system allowing Members to report the contents referred to in article 6 I 7° of the LCEN if they constitute, among others, the apology of crimes against humanity, an incitement to commit acts of terrorism and their apology, incitement to racial hatred, hatred towards people because of their sex, sexual orientation or identity or their handicap, as well as child pornography, incitement to violence, incitement to violence against women, as well as attacks on human dignity.

Guided by a particularly strict professional ethic in this respect and refusing to be associated with violent or insulting members as well as with illicit, abusive and prejudicial content, Rooom App teams take this reporting procedure particularly seriously.

That is why, when the content published by a Member is reported, the Member at the origin of the publication of this content is likely to have its Account suspended/terminated, under the conditions provided for in article 16.4 hereof, on the basis of the evidence provided by the sender of the report, in order to ensure the removal of the litigious content in accordance with Rooom App legal obligations.

The Member whose published content is the subject of a report will be informed of the suspension and termination of its Account via the Application. The Member shall not be informed of the identity of the Member who made the report.

Outside the framework of this reporting procedure, Members have the option of deleting another Member whose behavior does not comply with the rules of propriety, which will block all communication with the latter. However, it is possible to unblock a person free of charge and simply in order to be able to be in contact with them again. This action is confidential and offers Members the possibility of controlling the Members with whom they wish to maintain contact or not

These reporting systems are accessible and operational:

In the center on the right of the Member’s profile and in the top right of the conversation with the Member concerned on iPhone and Android ;

In the event of publication of content that has been the subject of a reporting procedure and is likely to be qualified as an offence under the legislative and regulatory provisions in force, the Member who is the victim of this content is also invited to refer the matter to the competent police authorities.

Indeed, the reporting procedure set up by Rooom App does not replace a possible complaint and legal proceedings against the Member at the origin of the reported litigious content.

Any abuse of the reporting system (unfounded reporting made in bad faith) shall also be considered as a violation of these GTC and may lead to the suspension/termination of the Account of the Member having committed such abuse, in accordance with article 16.4 of the GTC, in addition to the application of criminal sanctions in accordance with article 6 I 4° of the LCEN and legal proceedings leading to the compensation of the victims in damages.

The Member is solely responsible for the verification of the identity of the persons with whom he/she could organize a « real » meeting. Rooom App shall not be liable in case of any problem of any nature whatsoever arising from a « real » meeting.

Any use of the Rooom App Services for the purpose of organizing a collective meeting of its Members constitutes a misuse of the Service. It is strictly forbidden to plan or organize an event on the public street using the Application. If such a meeting takes place, Rooom App shall not be held responsible for any public disorder or damage resulting from such meetings.

In order to acquire the status of Member, it is necessary to gather all the following conditions:

-Fulfill the conditions of majority as provided for by French law (be at least 18 years old);

-To have filled in the information on his/her Facebook profile in a sincere and truthful manner. The Member must have communicated the first name and age attributed to him/her on his/her civil status. The Member also agrees to provide a valid telephone number;

-Undertake to regularly update the information provided by accessing his or her Account from the Application;

-To have read and accepted these Terms and Conditions by validating his registration.

Rooom App has neither the legal obligation nor the technical means to verify the identity and age of Members. However, in case of doubt, of presence of suspicious elements or on denunciation of a third party via the « report » feature suggesting identity theft or fictitious or erroneous information, Rooom App will proceed to an investigation as soon as possible and may rectify, if necessary, the information provided without altering the Member’s profile.

For the duration of the investigation, Rooom App reserves the right to suspend the Account of the suspect Member and its access to the Application and to carry out the necessary verifications, in particular by requesting a copy of an official ID. The Member shall be informed of the suspension of his or her Account via the Application and/or by email sent to the address he or she has provided, in accordance with Article 16.4.

In the event that the Member is unable to provide such proof, or in the event of a proven breach of these TOU, Rooom App may terminate the Member’s Account in accordance with the conditions described in Article 16.4 hereof.

In order to remain a Member, you must respect all the following conditions:

– to be honest and sincere in his declarations (age, profession, study).

– not to put online any photo of a third party, nor any confidential information about others such as financial data.

– not to publish on the Application any pornographic content or photos or any content or photos that violate human decency or dignity.

– to respect the private nature of the contents and messages and voice messages exchanged with other Members within the Application and consequently not to disclose the contents of these messages to third parties

– not to infringe the laws on intellectual property.

– not to disturb public order.

– not to commit a defamation offence and more generally not to make offensive comments, in particular of a racial or discriminatory nature.

– to respect the laws and regulations in force.

– not to incite violence or glorify terrorism, war crimes or crimes against humanity.

– not to violate the rules of propriety and to remain correct towards other Members.

– not to undermine, in any way whatsoever, the normal operation of the Services and the infrastructure of the Application.

– not to use bots or tools other than those made available by Rooom App within the Application when contacting others.

– not to use the Application to arrange escort services.

– not to solicit other Members for the purpose of promoting paid products or services.

– not to divulge to other Members his or her login information, in particular the password and the identifier of his or her Account.

– not to advertise or incite in any way whatsoever to use any other service, competitor or not, and not to commit any offence of unfair competition.

– not to use the Application for the purpose of organizing rallies or demonstrations.

The Member shall also refrain from making any copy and/or broadcasting and/or transferring technical data that it would intercept on the network in connection with the Rooom App.

The Member agrees to use Rooom App only for personal purposes. The Rooom App network shall not be used for commercial, promotional, electoral or recruitment purposes. The sending of messages for marketing and/or commercial purposes and/or newsletters via the Rooom App messaging system which would include, in particular and not exhaustively, content, indications or hyperlinks referring to sites or media of third companies, and in particular competitors of Rooom App, is strictly prohibited.

The Member is solely responsible for its actions and the data it publishes via the Application.

If Rooom App’s responsibility is sought in the context of the Member’s failure to comply with its obligations, the Member shall hold Rooom App harmless against any judgment against it arising from the Member’s breach of the law or of these GTC.

Rooom App does not exercise any moderation of the content published by Members and shared via the Application: in particular, no photo, text and content to which hyperlinks published by Members redirect are checked by Rooom App teams. The Member may report illegal content, infringing the French law or these TOS by using the moderation tools provided by the Application.

All photos of a pornographic or exhibitionist nature that are indecent and generally contrary to morality are strictly prohibited. The publication of such photos constitutes a serious offence, which may lead to the suspension and/or termination of the Member’s Account, without excluding other sanctions that may be pronounced by the courts.

The Member must regularly check his or her email and notifications by which Rooom App will keep him or her informed, among other things, of information relating to its Services and any changes and updates that may have been made.

The Member can access the Services of his Account by logging into the Application using his phone number. The Member is solely responsible for its connection information and must ensure that no third party can access it. In particular, the Member guarantees Rooom App for any communication or use or statement made through his Account.

The equipment (hardware or software) required to access the Services as well as all other related costs, including telecommunication costs, are the sole responsibility of the Member. The Member is solely responsible for the equipment used in connection with the Service.

The Member may receive push notifications via the Application in order to be notified of important events, including, but not limited to

– A Hi received

– A Message from another Member

– A Message from Rooom App related to the Member’s Account or announcement.

– A match

– The closing of a Rooom

The Member can set his preferences for Push notifications from his Account.

When registering on the Application, the Member agrees to receive a newsletter or SMS for advertising or information purposes from Rooom App or its partners. The Member may withdraw at any time by exercising his/her right to object by sending an email to the address provided in Article 17.

As of January 1, 2017, Rooom App will proceed to the deletion of inactive Accounts, as defined below

An Account is considered inactive if, for a continuous period of one year: The Member’s Application has not established contact with Rooom App’s servers; and

The Member has not used the Application. It is specified that these criteria are cumulative.

Any reproduction and/or use and/or affixing, in whole or in part, and/or modification and/or deletion of the trademark and related rights such as, by way of illustration and not exhaustively, the slogan and logo proposed by the Application, by any process whatsoever, in any form whatsoever, on any medium whatsoever and by any media whatsoever, is strictly forbidden without the prior express written consent of Rooom App and is liable to prosecution

The brand is protected by articles L713-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code currently in force in France and this for the whole world.

The original works offered by Rooom App are the exclusive property of Rooom App. Rooom App is the owner of all related rights.

Any representation and/or reproduction and/or distribution and/or exploitation of the contents and Services offered by the Application such as software, animations, texts, videos, graphics and more broadly the general structure, by any process whatsoever, in any form whatsoever, on any medium whatsoever and by any media whatsoever, is strictly prohibited without the prior express written consent of Rooom App and is liable to prosecution.

These original works are protected by articles L335-3 and following of the Intellectual Property Code currently in force in France and this for the whole world.

The rights of use granted by Rooom App to the Members are reserved for private and personal use. Any other use by the Member is prohibited without the authorization of Rooom App.

The Member grants to Rooom App and its partners a free, non-exclusive, worldwide and perpetual license to use, reproduce, represent, modify, translate any intellectual property element (texts, photos, videos etc.) that he/she may provide to Rooom App via the Application for the non-exclusive purpose of supporting its communication efforts towards other Members. This license shall be used by Rooom App within the limits of the respect of the image rights, of the protection of the user’s personal data and without distorting the authenticity of the Member’s profile and remaining consistent with his profile. This license authorizes Rooom App to make these elements compatible with its technical performance or the formats of the media concerned. These rights are granted for the whole world for the whole duration of the execution of these GTC between the Member and Rooom App.

The Member remains the owner of the content and personal data it provides.

The Member guarantees Rooom App against any legal action, recourse or conviction against it originating from the violation by the Member of the intellectual property of a third party. The Member shall indemnify Rooom App against any claims or damages that may result from such infringement.

It is strictly prohibited to design a product similar to the Application or to create a derivative thereof, and more generally to be guilty of parasitism, acts of imitation, denigration or any other act constituting unfair competition. If necessary, Rooom App reserves the right to sue the Member in order to obtain full compensation for the damage caused by the Member.

Member shall be subject to severe legal sanctions if it succeeds or attempts to license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or make available to third parties the Services or the Application in any way.

The Member may at any time disconnect his or her Account without notice via the Application if he or she no longer wishes to be visible in it.

Upon disconnection of the profile:

– Member’s profile will be made invisible to other Members for the past and future.

– There is no impact on the legal obligation to retain data.

The Member may uninstall the Application from his or her cell phone at any time without notice. As a result, the Member will no longer be able to access the Application unless it is downloaded again.

Upon uninstallation of the Application:

– Member’s profile will be made invisible to other Members for the past and future;

– There is no impact on the legal obligation to retain data;

– If the Account is reactivated within 1 year after the Account is closed, the data will be retained.

The Member may decide to permanently delete his/her Account at any time in the Rooom App in the settings tab. The Member may also request an account deletion by mail whose postal address appears in Article 15. This can be done at any time and without notice. As a result, the Member’s profile will be permanently deleted and all its data will be deleted. When the Member wishes to start using the Application again, he/she is obliged to register under the same conditions as the first registration.

When the Account is deleted:

– The Member’s profile will be made invisible to other Members;

– The Member’s data will not be kept, the Member will lose all data concerning matches, conversations, profiles seen and any additional information.

– The Member cannot reactivate his old Account.

14.4 – Suspension / Termination of the Account by Rooom App in case of breach of the GTC by a Member

In case of breach of the GTC by a Member, its Account may be suspended at any time as a precautionary measure and then terminated by Rooom App.

Rooom App may suspend the Member’s Account for the time necessary for the verifications carried out by the Rooom App customer service following a report in accordance with Article 8.3 or in case of alleged breach of the GTC that can be remedied.

The Member whose Account is suspended shall be informed by Rooom App of this decision by sending a notification on the Application and/or by email. The Member is invited to contact Rooom App’s customer service by email in order to obtain further information on the reasons for the suspension of its Account, to make its possible observations and/or to provide proof that the breach has been remedied.

If within 30 days of the notification of suspension of the Account, the Member has not contacted Rooom App’s customer service or if the elements provided by the Member to the customer service have not allowed to repair the breach, Rooom App may notify the Member of the termination of its Account via the Application and/or by email and inform the Member of the duration during which it will not be able to re-register to the Application. If not specified, this period is set at 3 years from the notification of the termination of the Account.

Upon termination of the Account:

– The Member’s profile will be made invisible to other Members;

Slice SAS, registered B 880 565 411 in the Paris Trade and Companies Register, can be contacted by mail at 93 rue Jouffroy D’Abbans, 75017 Paris.

The Member can also contact Rooom App by e-mail at the following address: contact@rooomapp.com

Neither Rooom App nor the Member is authorized to disclose information about the contract binding them in case of dispute and each party undertakes to respect a confidentiality clause which obliges it to prefer a confidential negotiation in case of dispute.